Tracking the History of Data in BigQuery: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Kristiane -

Tracking the History of Data in BigQuery: A Comprehensive Guide

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As we dive into the vast ocean of big data, it’s essential to keep track of the history of our data in BigQuery. Why, you ask? Well, imagine having the power to rewind, replay, and revise your data’s journey through time. Sounds like a superpower, right? With BigQuery’s data versioning and auditing features, you can do just that! In this article, we’ll embark on an adventure to explore the fascinating world of tracking the history of data in BigQuery.

Why Track Data History?

Before we dive into the how-to’s, let’s discuss the why’s. Tracking data history in BigQuery offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Data integrity**: Verify the accuracy and consistency of your data across different versions.
  • Auditing and compliance**: Meet regulatory requirements and track changes for auditing purposes.
  • Data forensics**: Analyze and debug issues by reviewing data changes over time.
  • Collaboration and governance**: Track changes made by multiple users and maintain a clear record of data modifications.

Enabling Data Versioning in BigQuery

To start tracking data history, you need to enable data versioning in BigQuery. This feature is available for select datasets and tables. To enable it:

  1. Go to the BigQuery console and select the desired dataset.
  2. Navigate to the "Details" tab and click on “Edit dataset” (three vertical dots).
  3. . This will enable data versioning for the entire dataset.
  4. by clicking “Save” or “Update” (depending on the interface).

Understanding BigQuery’s Data Versioning

Now that you’ve enabled data versioning, let’s explore how it works. BigQuery uses a combination of system-generated and user-generated versions to track data changes. Here’s a breakdown:

Version Type Description
System-generated versions Automatically created by BigQuery when data is inserted, updated, or deleted.
User-generated versions Created by users when they explicitly commit changes using the COMMIT statement or the API.

These versions are stored in the `_SYSTEM_VERSION` column, which is automatically created when data versioning is enabled. You can query this column to retrieve information about each version.

Querying Data Versions

To retrieve a list of data versions, use the following query:

FROM mydataset.mytable
FOR SYSTEM_VERSION AS OF STRUCT('2023-03-01 14:30:00' AS timestamp);

This query will return all versions of the data as of the specified timestamp. You can modify the timestamp to query different points in time.

Auditing Data Changes in BigQuery

In addition to data versioning, BigQuery provides an auditing feature that logs data changes. This feature is enabled by default for all datasets and tables. To view the audit logs:

  1. Navigate to the BigQuery console and select the desired dataset.
  2. .
  3. by selecting “Audit” as the log type.

The audit logs will display information about data changes, including the operation type (e.g., INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE), the affected table, and the user who made the change.

Auditing Data Changes with BigQuery’s INFORMATION_SCHEMA

You can also use BigQuery’s INFORMATION_SCHEMA to query audit logs. This method provides more flexibility and control over the audit data:

WHERE job_type = 'QUERY'
  AND job_status = 'DONE'

This query will return a list of queries executed by users in the past day, including the query text, execution time, and user information.

Best Practices for Tracking Data History

To get the most out of tracking data history in BigQuery, follow these best practices:

  • Enable data versioning for critical datasets and tables.
  • Use meaningful commit messages when creating user-generated versions.
  • Regularly review audit logs to detect and respond to potential issues.
  • Implement data governance policies to ensure data integrity and consistency.
  • Use BigQuery’s data lineage feature to track data provenance and dependencies.


Tracking the history of data in BigQuery is a powerful tool for ensuring data integrity, compliance, and collaboration. By enabling data versioning and auditing features, you can rewind, replay, and revise your data’s journey through time. Remember to follow best practices and take advantage of BigQuery’s advanced features to unlock the full potential of data history tracking.

Now, go forth and conquer the vast ocean of big data with confidence, knowing that you can track every twist and turn along the way!

Frequently Asked Question

Get to know the secrets of tracking the history of data in BigQuery!

What is data versioning in BigQuery?

Data versioning in BigQuery is a feature that allows you to track changes to your data over time, enabling you to access and query previous versions of your data. This feature is especially useful for auditing, compliance, and data recovery purposes.

How does BigQuery store historical data?

BigQuery stores historical data in a feature called “time-travel” which allows you to query data from a specific point in the past. This is achieved by storing a complete copy of the dataset at regular intervals, which enables you to retrieve previous versions of your data.

Can I track data lineage in BigQuery?

Yes, BigQuery provides data lineage tracking, which allows you to see the origin and history of your data. This feature helps you understand how data was transformed, processed, and modified over time.

How far back can I query historical data in BigQuery?

BigQuery allows you to query historical data up to 7 days in the past by default, but you can configure this retention period up to a maximum of 1 year. This means you can query data that is up to 1 year old!

Can I use BigQuery’s data history for auditing and compliance?

Absolutely! BigQuery’s data history feature is particularly useful for auditing and compliance purposes, as it enables you to track changes to your data over time, identify who made those changes, and reproduce previous versions of your data.

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