MySQL Replication Gotchas: BinLogStreamReader Not Resuming from Last Position?
Image by Kristiane -

MySQL Replication Gotchas: BinLogStreamReader Not Resuming from Last Position?

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Are you struggling with MySQL replication and BinLogStreamReader not resuming from the last position? You’re not alone! This pesky issue has been frustrating developers and DBAs for ages. But fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the depths of this problem and emerge victorious with a clear solution.

What’s the Big Deal About BinLogStreamReader?

Before we dive into the problem, let’s quickly cover what BinLogStreamReader is and why it’s essential for MySQL replication. BinLogStreamReader is a Java-based utility that reads the binary log files generated by MySQL, allowing you to replicate data to another server or extract changes for auditing, data integration, or other purposes.

In a typical replication setup, the BinLogStreamReader connects to the master MySQL server, reads the binary log, and applies the changes to the slave server. Sounds simple, right? Well, it is, until it’s not.

The Mysterious Case of the Missing Log Position

So, you’ve set up your BinLogStreamReader, and everything seems to be working fine. That is, until you restart the process or experience a connection issue. Suddenly, the BinLogStreamReader refuses to resume from the last known log position. You’re left staring at a blank slate, wondering what went wrong.

The culprit behind this mystery is often the log_file and log_pos parameters. These parameters are meant to store the last read log position, ensuring that the BinLogStreamReader resumes from where it left off. But, for some reason, they’re not working as expected.

Common Causes of the Issue

Before we dive into the solution, let’s explore some common causes of this problem:

  • Inconsistent Log File Names: If the log file names don’t match between restarts, the BinLogStreamReader gets confused and can’t resume from the last position.
  • Missing or Incorrect Log Position: If the log_pos parameter is not set or is incorrect, the BinLogStreamReader won’t know where to resume from.
  • Corrupted Binary Log Files: Corruption in the binary log files can cause the BinLogStreamReader to fail when attempting to read the logs.
  • MySQL Server Configuration Issues: Misconfigured MySQL server settings, such as the binary log format or server ID, can prevent the BinLogStreamReader from working correctly.
  • Network Connectivity Issues: Temporary network disruptions or connection problems can cause the BinLogStreamReader to lose its position and fail to resume.

Solution: Configuring BinLogStreamReader for Success

Now that we’ve identified the common causes, let’s dive into the solution. To ensure that the BinLogStreamReader resumes from the last position, follow these steps:

1. Configure the MySQL Server

First, make sure your MySQL server is configured correctly:

mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'log_bin';
| Variable_name | Value |
| log_bin        | ON    |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'log_bin_format';
| Variable_name | Value  |
| log_bin_format | ROW    |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

In this example, we’ve confirmed that the binary logging is enabled (log_bin) and set to the ROW format (log_bin_format). Ensure that your server ID is unique and matches the one specified in the BinLogStreamReader configuration.

2. Set Up BinLogStreamReader Configuration

Create a configuration file for the BinLogStreamReader with the following settings:

# MySQL connection settings

# Binary log settings

# Resume from last position

In this example, we’ve specified the MySQL connection details, binary log file name pattern, and the log file extension. The logFile and logPos parameters are set to the last known position, which will be updated automatically as the BinLogStreamReader reads the logs.

3. Implement Log File Rotation and Purge

To avoid issues with log file names, implement a log file rotation and purge strategy:

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

In this example, we’ve purged binary logs older than 3 days to maintain a manageable log file size and prevent issues with log file names.

4. Handle Network Connectivity Issues

To handle temporary network disruptions, implement a retry mechanism in your BinLogStreamReader configuration:

# Retry settings

In this example, the BinLogStreamReader will retry 5 times with a 30-second delay between attempts to reconnect to the MySQL server.

Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks

If you’re still experiencing issues, try these troubleshooting tips and tricks:

  1. Check the MySQL error log: Review the MySQL error log for any errors or warnings related to binary logging or replication.
  2. Verify the log file and position: Confirm that the logFile and logPos parameters are set correctly and match the last known position.
  3. Check the network connectivity: Verify that the network connection between the BinLogStreamReader and the MySQL server is stable and not experiencing any issues.
  4. Test the BinLogStreamReader: Run the BinLogStreamReader in debug mode to verify that it’s reading the logs correctly and resuming from the last position.
  5. Monitor the binary log files: Keep an eye on the binary log files and their sizes to ensure they’re not growing excessively or becoming corrupted.


MySQL replication with BinLogStreamReader can be a complex and finicky beast, but by following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to overcome the pesky issue of BinLogStreamReader not resuming from the last position. Remember to configure your MySQL server correctly, set up the BinLogStreamReader configuration file, implement log file rotation and purge, handle network connectivity issues, and troubleshoot with finesse.

With these solutions and tips, you’ll be well on your way to a robust and reliable MySQL replication setup, and the BinLogStreamReader will be humming along smoothly, resuming from the last position like a pro!

Keyword Description
mysql-replication MySQL replication using BinLogStreamReader
BinLogStreamReader A Java-based utility for reading MySQL binary logs
log_file Parameter specifying the last read log file
log_pos Parameter specifying the last read log position

Need more help or have further questions? Leave a comment below, and we’ll be happy to assist you in conquering the world of MySQL replication with BinLogStreamReader!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your most pressing questions about MySQL replication and BinLogStreamReader!

Why is my BinLogStreamReader not resuming from the last position?

Make sure you’re setting the `log_file` and `log_pos` parameters correctly when creating a new BinLogStreamReader instance. If these values are not set or are incorrect, the reader will start from the beginning of the binlog, ignoring any previous position. Double-check your code to ensure you’re passing the correct values!

How can I get the correct `log_file` and `log_pos` values for my BinLogStreamReader?

You can retrieve the current binlog position using the `SHOW MASTER STATUS` command in MySQL. This will give you the current binlog file and position. You can then pass these values to your BinLogStreamReader instance to resume from the last position. Alternatively, you can use the `mysql-bin.index` file to determine the last binlog file and position.

What if I’m using a relay log in my MySQL replication setup?

When using a relay log, you need to consider the relay log position instead of the binlog position. You can use the `SHOW RELAYLOG EVENT` command to get the current relay log position. Then, pass the relay log file and position to your BinLogStreamReader instance to resume from the last position.

Can I use the `BinLogStreamReader` with multiple MySQL servers?

Yes, you can use the `BinLogStreamReader` with multiple MySQL servers. However, you need to create a separate instance of the reader for each server, and pass the correct `log_file` and `log_pos` values for each server. Make sure to handle the connections and positions correctly to avoid any conflicts or errors.

How can I troubleshoot issues with my `BinLogStreamReader` not resuming from the last position?

To troubleshoot issues, check the MySQL error log for any errors related to binlog events or replication. Verify that the `log_file` and `log_pos` values are correct and match the current binlog position. You can also enable debug logging in your BinLogStreamReader instance to get more detailed information about the reader’s behavior. Finally, test your replication setup to ensure it’s working correctly and that the binlog events are being written correctly.

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