Swift UI DatePicker hourAndMinute Fails When Another Picker Is Displaying Menu: A Comprehensive Guide to Fixing the Issue
Image by Kristiane - hkhazo.biz.id

Swift UI DatePicker hourAndMinute Fails When Another Picker Is Displaying Menu: A Comprehensive Guide to Fixing the Issue

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Are you frustrated with the Swift UI DatePicker hourAndMinute failing to function when another picker is displaying a menu? You’re not alone! Many developers have stumbled upon this issue, and it’s time to put an end to it. In this article, we’ll dive into the problem, explore the reasons behind it, and provide a step-by-step guide to fix it once and for all.

What’s the Issue?

The Swift UI DatePicker hourAndMinute picker is a powerful tool for selecting dates and times in your iOS app. However, when another picker is displaying a menu, the hourAndMinute picker suddenly stops working. It’s as if the two pickers are competing for attention, and the hourAndMinute picker loses out.

The Problem in Code

struct MyView: View {
    @State private var selectedDate = Date()
    @State private var selectedTime = Date()

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            DatePicker("Select Date", selection: $selectedDate)
            DatePicker("Select Time", selection: $selectedTime, displayedComponents: .hourAndMinute)

In the code above, we have two DatePicker instances: one for selecting a date and another for selecting a time. The date picker works fine, but when you try to select a time using the hourAndMinute picker, it fails to respond.

Why Does This Happen?

The reason behind this issue lies in the way Swift UI handles multiple pickers. When one picker is displaying a menu, it takes focus and prevents other pickers from responding to user input. This is a known bug in Swift UI, and Apple is still working on a fix.

A Temporary Solution

While we wait for an official fix, we can use a workaround to get our hourAndMinute picker working. The solution involves creating a custom picker that combines the date and time pickers into a single component.

struct CustomDatePicker: View {
    @Binding var selectedDate: Date
    @Binding var selectedTime: Date

    let dateComponents: [DatePickerComponents] = [.hour, .minute]

    var body: some View {
        DatePicker("Select Date and Time", selection: self.$selectedDate, displayedComponents: dateComponents) {

In this custom picker, we use the DatePickerComponents enum to specify the components we want to display. By default, we’re showing the hour and minute components. The Text(“”) view is used to add a placeholder for the picker’s label.

Using the Custom Picker

Now that we have our custom picker, let’s use it in our view:

struct MyView: View {
    @State private var selectedDate = Date()
    @State private var selectedTime = Date()

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            CustomDatePicker(selectedDate: $selectedDate, selectedTime: $selectedTime)

In this code, we’ve replaced the two separate DatePicker instances with our custom picker. The selectedDate and selectedTime state variables are passed as bindings to the custom picker.

Advantages of the Custom Picker

Our custom picker has several advantages over the default DatePicker:

  • Combined Date and Time Selection: The custom picker allows users to select both the date and time in a single component, making it more intuitive and user-friendly.
  • Fixes the hourAndMinute Issue: By combining the date and time pickers, we avoid the issue of the hourAndMinute picker failing to respond when another picker is displaying a menu.
  • Improved Performance: With fewer picker instances, our app’s performance improves, and the UI becomes more responsive.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still experiencing issues with the custom picker, here are some troubleshooting tips to help you debug:

  1. Check Your Bindings: Ensure that your state variables are correctly bound to the custom picker. Verify that the $ symbol is used to pass the bindings.
  2. Verify DatePickerComponents: Double-check that you’ve specified the correct DatePickerComponents in your custom picker. Make sure to include the hour and minute components.
  3. Inspect Your View Hierarchy: Use the View Debugger to inspect your view hierarchy and ensure that the custom picker is correctly laid out and displayed.


In this article, we’ve explored the issue of the Swift UI DatePicker hourAndMinute failing to respond when another picker is displaying a menu. We’ve created a custom picker that combines the date and time pickers, providing a workaround for this known bug. By following the instructions and troubleshooting tips provided, you should be able to get your hourAndMinute picker working as expected.

Keyword Description
Swift UI A declarative UI framework for building iOS apps
DatePicker A UI component for selecting dates and times
hourAndMinute A DatePickerComponents enum value specifying the hour and minute components

Remember to keep an eye on Apple’s documentation and developer forums for updates on this issue. With a little creativity and persistence, you can overcome this hurdle and create a seamless user experience for your app users.

Additional Resources

For more information on Swift UI and DatePicker, refer to the following resources:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most frequently asked questions about SwiftUI DatePicker hourAndMinute fails when another picker is displaying menu

What causes the SwiftUI DatePicker hourAndMinute to fail when another picker is displaying a menu?

The SwiftUI DatePicker hourAndMinute fails when another picker is displaying a menu because of a known issue in SwiftUI where the date picker’s hourAndMinute binding is not updated correctly when another picker is showing its menu. This is due to a bug in SwiftUI’s internal implementation of the date picker.

How can I reproduce this issue in my SwiftUI app?

To reproduce this issue, simply create a SwiftUI view with two date pickers, one with a display mode of `hourAndMinute` and another with a display mode of `graphical`. When you select a date on the graphical picker, the hourAndMinute picker will fail to update correctly.

Is there a workaround for this issue in SwiftUI?

Yes, one possible workaround is to use a combination of `@State` and `@Binding` to manually update the hourAndMinute picker’s value when the graphical picker’s value changes. You can also use a third-party library that provides a custom date picker implementation that doesn’t have this issue.

Will this issue be fixed in future versions of SwiftUI?

It’s likely that Apple will fix this issue in future versions of SwiftUI, but as of now, there is no official word on when or if this bug will be fixed. You can keep an eye on Apple’s SwiftUI documentation and release notes for updates on this issue.

Can I report this issue to Apple and get a radar number?

Yes, you can definitely report this issue to Apple and get a radar number. In fact, it’s highly recommended that you do so, as this will help Apple track and prioritize the fix for this issue. You can report the issue using Apple’s Feedback Assistant tool.